Do You Have a House In Another State?

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Have A House In Another State?

out of state owner

Do you own property in Florida and live out of state? Sol Offers is your go-to resource for out-of-state homeowners looking for a reliable, trustworthy and local team to purchase your home with no stress and hassle. 

Owning a property out of state can be a hassle. From maintaining the property to handling unexpected issues, it can be challenging to manage from a distance. 

Meet the We Buy Houses Florida Team

Gabriel and Tom are your local Florida experts who genuinely care about helping homeowners like you find the best solutions to their property challenges. With years of experience and an intimate knowledge of the Florida area, they are uniquely positioned to guide you through the process, making it as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Sol Offers is Here To Help!

At Sol Offers, we understand that every out-of-state homeowner’s situation is different, and we’re committed to providing personalized assistance tailored to your unique needs. Whether you’ve inherited a property, are dealing with a rental home, or simply want to sell your Florida house, we’re here to help.

Our approach to helping out-of-state homeowners includes:

Reach out to Us: When you phone in or submit your info on the site, you’ll talk to Gabriel. He’ll take the time to understand your situation and your goals for the property. We want to know your story and what matters most to you.

Make An Appointment: Gabriel will make an appointment with Tom, our Property Expert and Realtor on the team. He’ll evaluate the property’s condition and the local market to provide you with multiple offers customized to your house and situation. 

Remote Property Evaluation: We understand that you might not be able to show the property in person. No worries! We can work with you to arrange a video call or use photos to assess the property’s condition and determine the best possible offer for you.

Handling the Paperwork: Dealing with out-of-state property sales can be confusing and stressful. Our team will handle all the necessary paperwork and guide you through the entire process, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Flexible Closing Dates: We understand that coordinating a sale from afar can be challenging. That’s why we offer flexible closing dates, allowing you to choose a time that works best for you and your unique circumstances.

Ongoing Support: Our relationship doesn’t end when the sale is complete. We’re always available to answer any questions or provide assistance even after the closing, ensuring your peace of mind and satisfaction throughout the entire process.

By choosing Sol Offers, you can trust that our dedicated team will work tirelessly to ensure a smooth and successful sale, no matter where you’re located.

Call today to get started – 407-734-3733!

Sell Your House

We buy houses in As-Is Condition. No need for repairs...

Sell Your House

Our Happy Sellers

Craig Eaton

Maria Angela

Our Simple Three-Step Process to Sell Your House

1: Get In Touch

step 01 get in touch

2: Accept An Offer

step 02 accept offer

3: Get Paid

step 03 - get paid

At Sol Offers, Gabriel and Tom understand that selling a house can be daunting. That's why they've streamlined their process to make it as simple and stress-free as possible. With their combined experience and genuine care for their clients, they've created a hassle-free approach consisting of just three main steps, ensuring a smooth transaction and a quick turnaround.

With Sol Offers, Gabriel, and Tom by your side, you'll find a seamless, hassle-free experience when selling your house. Their streamlined process and commitment to providing personalized service and understanding your unique needs ensure a smooth and successful transaction.

Don't wait any longer. Contact Gabriel and Tom at Sol Offers today to start your journey toward a brighter, stress-free future!

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